Opticentric manual














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The OptiCentric® product group represents the global standard for optical centration testing and manual and automated cementing and bonding of lenses and 3 Table of Contents 4 Introduction OptiCentric 7 Applications 12 System Overview OptiCentric OptiCentric 100 Series 26 Manual and Automatic Alignment, The rotation of lenses is accom- plished manually; the centering error of the spherical surface is measured in relation to the cylindrical axis. Accurate Radius The standard module is operated manually, a motorized version is available on request. OptiCentric® AspheroCheck®. Fig. 8a: Lens with aspherical and spherical The OptiCentric® product group sets the standard worldwide in optical centration measurement of Additionally, they may be used for manual alignment.Manual Cementing on Lens Rotation Device . while an OptiCentric® Cementing The OptiCentric® Cementing Station reduces manufacturing time in lens The OptiCentric® product group sets the global standard for optical centering testing and manual and automated lens alignment. With an extremely high degree OptiCentric® Extensions for Infrared Lens Measurement. 24. Centration Measurement Stirling-type cryocoolers so that no manual fill-.

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