User agent class code igniter user guide
















The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site. Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the User Agent class is initialized in your controller using the $this->load->library function CodeIgniter Home › User Guide Home › URI Class. The URI Class provides functions that help you retrieve information from your URI strings. If you use URI routing, you can also retrieve information about the re-routed segments. Contributing to CodeIgniter. Writing CodeIgniter Documentation. Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1. User Agent Class. XML-RPC and XML-RPC Server Classes. Zip Encoding Class. The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site. Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the User Agent class is initialized in your controller using the $this->load->library function User Agent Class. XML-RPC Class. Zip Encoding Class. CodeIgniter provides a comprehensive form validation and data prepping class that helps minimize the Note: As of CodeIgniter 1.7.0, this Form Validation class supercedes the old Validation class Contributing to CodeIgniter. Writing CodeIgniter Documentation. Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1. User Agent Class. XML-RPC and XML-RPC Server Classes. Zip Encoding Class. Contributing to CodeIgniter. Writing CodeIgniter Documentation. Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1. User Agent Class. XML-RPC and XML-RPC Server Classes. Zip Encoding Class. The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site. Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the User Agent class is initialized in your controller using the $this->load->library function Search User Guide. Email Class. The "user agent". protocol. If you do not set your own message CodeIgniter will extract the message from your HTML email and strip the tags. Contributing to CodeIgniter. Writing CodeIgniter Documentation. Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1. User Agent Class. XML-RPC and XML-RPC Server Classes. Zip Encoding Class. Using CodeIgniter's Model. Using Entity Classes. Managing Databases. Database Manipulation with Database Forge. User Agent Class. Validation. The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site. Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the User Agent class is initialized in your controller using the $this->load->library function The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site. Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the User Agent class is initialized in your controller using the $this->load->library function

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